29 September 2008

And this is why I love her.

Twin Sisters
Held together by a single bond
Stronger than diamonds but
More fragile than crystal.
Sharing a look
But each with a unique
Personality and perspective.
Together, we are unstoppable
While our strengths make the
Other more complete
Our weaknesses prove that,
We too, are indeed mortal
Beings, just like you.
But also show that together,
We complete each other,
And make one perfect whole.
Inseparable, unchanging, inspirational,
Ever loving, always feuding, awe-inspiring
With hopes and dreams and shared secrets.
We will never fully appreciate
What we have together,
Until it's no longer there.
Who are we, you may ask?
Twin sisters
Be jealous.

To my sissy Bri. I Loves you!!!!!
Because she's an awesome poet. And this is an awesome poem she wrote for me about a year ago. And, it's so true. And that's why I love her.

1 comment:

Laura said...

awesome poem...You're right, Bri. You're sis has talent! (And she has an awesome twin sister as well! LOL)

:o) Laura