29 July 2010

July Update thus far.

Social: The first week of July, siblings were gone on their summer vacations over the fourth, so Mom, Dad and I were at it alone. I stayed with some friends during the day for the week, so Mom and Dad could work. I really enjoyed the time away from the house, it felt good to get out. I've also stayed the night at N's last week, and we did some 2+ hours of exploring the water front. Her mom was on call and her dad was running on the water front, so was very close just *in case* but all went well and I had a blast!! I've also spent some time with Ms. E so that's been fun.

School: What school?? It's summer break =P
I did go get registered at FP, and am excited with the classes I'm signed up to take next year. No math or science, but I'll manage! Also, instead of trying to fight for a para without me being on an IEP, the school has agreed we'll see how Tessie does first. Now, she's not been in a school setting full time, but we expect her to do very well!! This is what we've been training her for, so!

Health: On July 1st, I had a fugue state and wandered a couple blocks from the house. Due to our good pre-planning of going to the fire station and introducing me, my condition, and Tess, the situation was handled well by the responding fire fighters. I was already alert when they got there, so they put me in the ambulance and took me home. Their only concern was my blood pressure, but I assured them it's not uncommon for it to rise, so they released me.

On July 8th, I had a second fugue state. Both days I was home with sisters, but had been sitting outside, and both were severely influenced by being in a new house and the heat.
Unfortunately, on the 8th, it was about 90 degrees out, and the asphalt was even hotter. When I collapsed, I landed on the roadside and got 2nd and 1st degree burns on my arms and legs. This time, I was taken to the hospital, and treated and let home. For the first time, no one had called my parents first, so it was a completely new experience. Not only was I at a new hospital, I had to deal with the nurses, admissions nurse, and all that alone. I called mom and dad as soon as I was allowed, and didn't DIE...but I'd rather never do it again lol.

I've been doing well still, and the few spots that got 2nd degree burns are coming along in healing. I also got a medical alert necklace that doubles as a USB, so I can store more detailed info on it.

Family: As I've said, siblings took off the first week of July, so Mom, Dad, and I finished cleaning the old house ourselves. We got it done and never have to go back!!
I liked the time just the three of us got to spend together, especially the time Mom and I got. I know we used to, and still do to a point, spend a lot of time together at doctor's visits, tests, and hossy stays, but it felt nice to go to garage sales, and shopping, and do "normal" mom and daughter things.

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